Page - AM Creative Agency
Our purpose is to help organizations reflect their own core values in every communication aspect possible. In a deep and simple way.
- Corporate Identity
- Logo design
- Web design
We bring a fresh perspective to their marketing approach. Identifying new ways to evoke emotions and creating an honest and compelling experience for the targeted audience.
- WordPress
We are a multi-disciplinary creative agency that is able to deliver solutions in almost any area of marketing and more importantly we have the expertise to execute solutions, not just marketing advice.
- Connecting the dots
- Business consulting
- Legal consulting
Case studies
Teden restavracij Gostje Tedna restavracij projekt pojmujejo kot posebno doživetje, za katero so pripravljeni potovati po vsej Sloveniji in preseči izoblikovane vzorce obiskovanja restavracij ter spoznavati nove okuse. Tudi mi smo v našem najljubšem tedenu letošnje jeseni popolnoma predani ideji: od razvijanja nove spletne strani, povezovanja prvotne spletne strani s portalom, razvojem sistema za rezervacije in seveda do obiska nekaj naših najljubših restavracij.
Vivi Teden Restavracij, SLadoLent, Rad Dobrojem... are well know brands in Slovenia established by Violeta in Uroš Mencinger. Vivi is their new creation that will serve as a bridge of all their projects, so identity has to reflect their love and passion for the food.
Visual concept should be clean with an organic, edible feel. -
B&B Wines B&B Wines has recently started importing from one of the most prominent wine countries in the world. Not France, South Africa or New Zealand, but the rough diamond Slovenia.
C Club Kuwait C Club Kuwait is designed to offer all of the elements needed for a holistic approach to life. We love helping our clients express their deepest values through our work. The design of their promotional brochure is meant to up the energy of the reader, with minimalistic approach we achieved harmony and with the combination of their exceptional services serenity can not be far away.
Quotelife Quotelife. Living in between quotation marks. Thoughts that inspire thoughts. Thoughts that are not yours, but a product of another person’s experience, yet they speak your language… The brand is based upon a love for quotes, a love for typography, and a love for minimalism.
Bar Media The company Bar Media was founded with the intention of offering high quality products on the Slovenian market in the gastronomy segment. With their premium products, they share passion and creativity with their customers. Internationally acclaimed brands in their portfolio: Monin, Dilmah, Just T, Salitos, Goldberg tonics, Monbana cocoa, Sombrero Negro Tequila, Foodness products, Professional Hamilton Beach Professionals, Wenneker Liquors, Angostura, Crafter's gin, Hõbe vodka, David Rio...
BMS Automotive Upholstering a car interior is craftsmanship. We carefully cut out all the fabric and leather for you. By means of special sowing machines, our experienced interior upholsterers sow the valuable materials in the right shape for your seat or door. Every car interior is thereby provided with custom-made work of the highest quality.
Kregar MED + LAB After receiving web design from GRAFIKARNA we did the same as Kregar MED + LAB would do. No detail was left to chance, turning design into a turnkey WordPress website was distinguished by optimal digital ergonomics and functionality.
BMS Individual With regard to aesthetics and sense of entitlement individual solutions like 3D Leather Wall Panels and Headboards are the right choices to add value of your Residential, Yacht, Restaurant or Hospitality interior.
Kaozz Wake It was hard to concentrate, we were all too excited just thinking about this experience. Rush, adventure, joy… all in all fun was on our minds and this can clearly be seen on our end result. Colour combination illustrates speed, movement and adrenaline stunts that don’t allow any mistakes! Touch of grunge style connects with people that love challenges because… that just the way they like it. And of course we all are thrilled to see what season 2015 will bring.
Parodontologija For the specialist clinic which deals with the treatment of periodontal disease, oral diseases, aesthetic procedures on the gum and the insertion of dental implants we co-operated with the company Arnoldvuga+ to deliver a custom WordPress website.
Spilliga Kino Siska is launching Spilliga competition fourth consecutive year, a series of concert performances of secondary school music groups and individuals throughout the school year 2016/17 held once a month on the premises of Kino Siska.
Activ Project Management Their mission and strength is close cooperation with both the suppliers and the buyers – they consider such approach the only way that ensures delivery of best solutions to all stakeholders.
We could not agree more as our approach is basically the same. The website is a result of close cooperation with the website designers and with the Acitv team members. It was our pleasure and we know this web identity will take the company even higher. -
Balkan Business Association How to better express connectivity then with two stars intertwined together? Flag of our former country was an inspiration for the colors that we have used.
After digging into the brief and close cooperation with the members, it was clear that we want to be a part of this organization as well. -
EBLA Computer Consultancy As EBLA Computer Consultancy is one of the largest professionally managed IT companies in the Middle East we were more than just challenged to deliver our best possible result.
Hotel Cubo The website is a junction of different components from different partners which had to be managed to get the perfectly functional end result.
With our website maintaining services we are supporting this successful story that we are proud to be a part of. -
Glasbena matica Ljubljana Glasbena matica Ljubljana si od leta 1872 prizadeva ohranjati in spodbujati slovensko glasbeno kulturo. Kljub bogati tradiciji se vzorno prilagajajo novim trendom, programiranje spletne strani je naš delček k njihovi še bolj uspešni poti naprej.
FinPay FinPay is a Slovene company in the financial technology (FinTech or fin-tech) field that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. With our total support of the idea we have helped them with custom WordPress development based on the design of the company Arnoldvuga+.
BMF Kuwait SE EUROPE MEETS GCC 8 - 10 November, The Regency Kuwait, Kuwait Business Matchmaking Forum Kuwait (BMF Kuwait) is the unique and most outstanding event, linking the 13 countries from South Eastern Europe and GCC region on the business and diplomatic level.
Quotelife Quotelife. Living in between quotation marks. Thoughts that inspire thoughts. Thoughts that are not yours, but a product of another person’s experience, yet they speak your language… The brand is based upon a love for quotes, a love for typography, and a love for minimalism.
Glasbena matica Ljubljana Glasbena matica Ljubljana si od leta 1872 prizadeva ohranjati in spodbujati slovensko glasbeno kulturo. Kljub bogati tradiciji se vzorno prilagajajo novim trendom, programiranje spletne strani je naš delček k njihovi še bolj uspešni poti naprej.
Activ Project Management Their mission and strength is close cooperation with both the suppliers and the buyers – they consider such approach the only way that ensures delivery of best solutions to all stakeholders.
We could not agree more as our approach is basically the same. The website is a result of close cooperation with the website designers and with the Acitv team members. It was our pleasure and we know this web identity will take the company even higher. -
EBLA Computer Consultancy As EBLA Computer Consultancy is one of the largest professionally managed IT companies in the Middle East we were more than just challenged to deliver our best possible result.
FinPay FinPay is a Slovene company in the financial technology (FinTech or fin-tech) field that aims to compete with traditional financial methods in the delivery of financial services. With our total support of the idea we have helped them with custom WordPress development based on the design of the company Arnoldvuga+.
Kregar MED + LAB After receiving web design from GRAFIKARNA we did the same as Kregar MED + LAB would do. No detail was left to chance, turning design into a turnkey WordPress website was distinguished by optimal digital ergonomics and functionality.
BMS Individual With regard to aesthetics and sense of entitlement individual solutions like 3D Leather Wall Panels and Headboards are the right choices to add value of your Residential, Yacht, Restaurant or Hospitality interior.
Balkan Business Association How to better express connectivity then with two stars intertwined together? Flag of our former country was an inspiration for the colors that we have used.
After digging into the brief and close cooperation with the members, it was clear that we want to be a part of this organization as well. -
Teden restavracij Gostje Tedna restavracij projekt pojmujejo kot posebno doživetje, za katero so pripravljeni potovati po vsej Sloveniji in preseči izoblikovane vzorce obiskovanja restavracij ter spoznavati nove okuse. Tudi mi smo v našem najljubšem tedenu letošnje jeseni popolnoma predani ideji: od razvijanja nove spletne strani, povezovanja prvotne spletne strani s portalom, razvojem sistema za rezervacije in seveda do obiska nekaj naših najljubših restavracij.
Parodontologija For the specialist clinic which deals with the treatment of periodontal disease, oral diseases, aesthetic procedures on the gum and the insertion of dental implants we co-operated with the company Arnoldvuga+ to deliver a custom WordPress website.
BMF Kuwait SE EUROPE MEETS GCC 8 - 10 November, The Regency Kuwait, Kuwait Business Matchmaking Forum Kuwait (BMF Kuwait) is the unique and most outstanding event, linking the 13 countries from South Eastern Europe and GCC region on the business and diplomatic level.
Vivi Teden Restavracij, SLadoLent, Rad Dobrojem... are well know brands in Slovenia established by Violeta in Uroš Mencinger. Vivi is their new creation that will serve as a bridge of all their projects, so identity has to reflect their love and passion for the food.
Visual concept should be clean with an organic, edible feel. -
Bar Media The company Bar Media was founded with the intention of offering high quality products on the Slovenian market in the gastronomy segment. With their premium products, they share passion and creativity with their customers. Internationally acclaimed brands in their portfolio: Monin, Dilmah, Just T, Salitos, Goldberg tonics, Monbana cocoa, Sombrero Negro Tequila, Foodness products, Professional Hamilton Beach Professionals, Wenneker Liquors, Angostura, Crafter's gin, Hõbe vodka, David Rio...
Kaozz Wake It was hard to concentrate, we were all too excited just thinking about this experience. Rush, adventure, joy… all in all fun was on our minds and this can clearly be seen on our end result. Colour combination illustrates speed, movement and adrenaline stunts that don’t allow any mistakes! Touch of grunge style connects with people that love challenges because… that just the way they like it. And of course we all are thrilled to see what season 2015 will bring.
Hotel Cubo The website is a junction of different components from different partners which had to be managed to get the perfectly functional end result.
With our website maintaining services we are supporting this successful story that we are proud to be a part of. -
Spilliga Kino Siska is launching Spilliga competition fourth consecutive year, a series of concert performances of secondary school music groups and individuals throughout the school year 2016/17 held once a month on the premises of Kino Siska.
B&B Wines B&B Wines has recently started importing from one of the most prominent wine countries in the world. Not France, South Africa or New Zealand, but the rough diamond Slovenia.
BMS Automotive Upholstering a car interior is craftsmanship. We carefully cut out all the fabric and leather for you. By means of special sowing machines, our experienced interior upholsterers sow the valuable materials in the right shape for your seat or door. Every car interior is thereby provided with custom-made work of the highest quality.
C Club Kuwait C Club Kuwait is designed to offer all of the elements needed for a holistic approach to life. We love helping our clients express their deepest values through our work. The design of their promotional brochure is meant to up the energy of the reader, with minimalistic approach we achieved harmony and with the combination of their exceptional services serenity can not be far away.
We are AM
Business partners
EBLA Computer Consultancy is one of the largest professionally managed IT companies in the Middle East and a leading systems integrator company in the Arab Gulf region today. EBLA’s key focus is to sell and support a full range of Enterprise software solutions from two of the leading software vendors in the world – IBM and Microsoft.